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An appeal of the World Cosmohumanistic United Nations Organization to all of mankind.

The greatest power that God could give, he gave the Spirit.
And every life created by Spirit is imbued with this power
and thus is efficient. Knowing this, each of you can become
benefactor of humanity.

                                                O.M. Aivankhov


   Dear brothers, We have been given a unique chance which allows us to survive, withstand, perceive and build a new civilization through forgiveness and love.

   Do not miss this chance! Believe in the reality of building of Cosmohumanistic civilization. Believe into your power and unlimited possibilities. Having believed, apply maximum of efforts to save our mother Earth and its biosphere (sphere of life), noosphere (sphere of mind) and all of our soul brothers.

Do not miss perhaps the last chance! Allow yourself, your children and grandchildren to live in a whole new, conflict-free and benevolent society created by you, where every person is important and needed member of a large and loving, multicultural, multiconfessional, free, friendly and a righteous family. Where Faith and Love, Conscience and Justice, Goodness and Tolerance, Forgiveness and Peace, Freedom and Truth will become the principal criteria of our spiritual life. They will come into our Hearts, Souls, Spirit and Consciousness forever. And then we will find sense of true love, joy and pride for the society which we live, for our country, the civilization and each particular person living on Earth, to whom we generously and from the bottom of our hearts give all the best that we have. Knowing the Great Truth of Creator, His Laws of Love, Goodness, Togetherness, Friendship, Faith and Brotherhood, we will metamorphose into kind and pure power capable to dissolve all negative manifestations of social life.

   Dear brothers, We live in a very interesting time of transition of our consciousness to the level beyond consciousness, superconscious and Absolute consciousness capable to understand the main problem of humanity: "What prevents the humanity from elimination of all the negative manifestations of life?". What causes these negative manifestations? What prevents mankind from evolving? Subtle Heavenly Teachers give an answer to these questions. First of all, it is:

  1. Absence of complex scientific and theistic, intuitively-logical, psycho-spiritual and spiritually-moral methods of cognition of subtle (SM) and brute-material (BM) world.
  2. Lack of complex scientific knowledge about human's nature, their role in the evolution of Earth and the Universe from informational, energy and physical points of view.
  3. Absence of complex human science providing knowledge about physically-bio-energy-informational multilevel (12 levels and Morality) human consciousness system, which reflects objective reality of subtle and brute-material worlds and consists of approximately 99,9% subtle-material evolutional information, energy and matter and merely 0,1% of brute-material evolutional information, energy and matter having the cosmo-planetary Divine nature and the structure identical with the Universe.
  4. Absence of complex scientific knowledge about informational Laws of construction, evolution and development of the multilevel spiritually-evolutionary system of human consciousness which exists through a balanced exchange with environment, substance, energy and, predominately, with evolutional spiritual information.
  5. Lack of complex scientific knowledge about the principles, mechanisms and role of evolutionary (positive) and involutional (negative) information in the life of mankind and the Universe.
  6. Absence of a unified integrated scientific classification of all kinds of subtle and brute-material evolutionary and involution information.
  7. Absence of complex methodologies of testing, screening and transformation (at conscious and unconscious levels of consciousness) of unnecessary, harmful, negative information for an individual's and the society system. It is the main source of all the negative manifestations of life which leads to spiritual impoverishment, degradation, diseases, senility and death.
  8. Absence of scientific methods of selection and use (on both conscious and unconscious levels of consciousness) of only useful for an individual and the society SM and BM evolutionary information that excludes all the negative manifestations of life.
  9. Lack of scientific spiritual and moral criteria of development and activity evaluation of each single person, as well as the society, a country and the civilization in whole, from an evolutionary spiritually-informational point of view.
  10. Absence of scientific Global Unified Cosmohumanistic (educational and pedagogical) System contributing to a gradual transfer of mankind to usage of only evolutionary information, birth of a positive mode of thinking, new Cosmohumanistic Culture and Civilization the Golden Age of Creator.

   Until quite recently these 10 major factors prevented from the creation of complex Global Unified Cosmohumanistic System (GUCS), which philosophical basis is the Doctrine and three sciences of the Golden Age forming fundamental basis of the Doctrine of Peace for realization of a global project the Construction of Cosmohumanistic Civilization the New Golden Age of Creator. In 1991 the spiritually-moral, educational and pedagogical GUCS system offering a new cosmohumanistic building model of the Civilization was created, tested and successfully implemented. 




    The Doctrine offers a completely new scientific humanistic way of resolution of the most complex problems of our time. 3 sciences of the the Golden Age which deciphered Spiritually-Informational Code of a Person and the Universe are its instrument of realization. The Doctrine and the Sciences explored regularities of all social, public, political and economic processes and phenomena on the Earth, having created all the conditions for accelerated development of our civilization, having offered a new model of a human thinking. Unlike conventional person's system using 1,5-3% of the potential capacity of the person, this model uses 100% of their resource, accelerating implementation of all vital programmes of an individual by 97-98,5%. And through obtaining of the same amount of resource energy, a person acquires 100% health, perpetual youth, a happy, prosperous and joyful life.
 The Doctrine and Sciences offer a new paradigm "A Man. Earth. The Society. The Universe", as well as its realization mechanism – the Global Unified Cosmohumanistic System (GUCS).  Most effective psycho-informative technologies (methodologies) of testing, transformation and elimination of information that is harmful to a person's system, the society, environment and the Universe are the primary instruments of this system. As well as technologies of testing, selection and usage only of the information which is useful for a person's system and the society, contributing to a birth of a positive image of thinking, emotions, speech and actions, high level of morality, intuition, intelligence and extension of active human life. It will lead to creation of conditions for a birth of New Cosmohumanistic Culture of Civilization the Golden Age of Creator.



Do not preach the truth until the truth commanded you.

O.M. Aivanhov


       The priority task of three stages is their introduction into all spheres of activity of the GLOBAL UNIFIED COSMOHUMANISTIC SYSTEM (the GUCS) for realization of programs of the Project «Formation of an individual and Cosmohumanistic Civilization the Golden Age of Creator – ecology of Soul, Earth and Cosmos».



The Ist Stage (2001-2012)

    The purpose: cognition of a person (microcosm) and the Universe (macrocosm). Introduction of the Spiritually-Informational Laws of Creator - the Laws of construction of the system of human consciousness into all spheres of activity. Change of value orientation of a person from material one to the spiritually-moral, Cosmohumanistic. Creation of a highly spiritual and highly intellectual, peaceful, harmoniously developing world community – civil society of the Third Millennium. Construction of cities of future – the Standards of Evolutionary Life.

The II stage (2013-2024)

    The purpose: establishment of spiritually-intellectual republics in all countries of the world. Creation of cities of the future on the basis of (the standards of evolutionary development) the spiritually-intellectual republics, the society which will live by the laws of the construction of human consciousness - the Laws of Creator. Since having come into all spheres of activity, these Laws will be criteria of evaluation of individual and society. Every citizen of this republic will pay great attention to self-improvement and self-realization, at the meantime helping his brothers-in-mind, society and country. All fellow citizens of the spiritually-intellectual republic will be able to reach the level of collective consciousness where everyone will be in moral response as for his thoughts, emotions, words and actions, and equally for all members of the republic. Harmony, peace, concord, help, love and goodness, faith into oneself, others and Creator will become fundamental principles of spiritually-moral life of these republics and countries.

The III stage (2025-2036)

   The purpose: formation of a unified and indivisible Cosmohumanistic Civilization the Golden Age of Creator. Cognition of eternal life, Essence of Being and Creator. Creation of the World Spiritually-informational Parliament with a global anti-crisis unified system on the basis of cities and countries of future. Creation of a unified global system of security. Formation of the energy-informational protection against social, economic, political and cosmic cataclysms. A birth of Unified Cosmohumanistic Culture. Introduction of new environmentally friendly technologies of life support of all the humankind. Evolution of human consciousness to the level of cosmic - the Highest Spiritual and Moral state of Soul and Spirit.
   Through faith into Creator, oneself and others, into the purity and strength of spirit, love, kindness, forgiveness, tolerance and work, the mankind having mastered the GUCS system is able to accelerate the process of formation of Cosmohumanistic civilization the Golden Age of Creator and a birth of New Cosmohumanistic Culture.
   We do not take it upon ourselves to predict the future of people and Earth, but we suggest to take part in the Program "Spiritual Human revival project", which is based on the principles of goodness, peace and love. We hope that by participating in this Program, people will realize that we are brothers and that it is time to discard the enmity, envy, greed, and join in the work on formation of the Individual of the Cosmohumanistic Civilization.

Dear brothers,

    The Global Cosmohumanistic League of Nations invites to cooperation heads of states and members of parliaments, public and political figures, scientists and representatives of different confessions, as well as all people of good will to form a civil society of the Third Millennium and build the Civilization the Golden Age. Dear brothers,
We have been given a unique chance which allows us to survive, withstand, perceive and build a new civilization through forgiveness and love.

Do not miss this chance!



We're venerating memory.



At the headstone of the Master Vladimir the Teacher.


Victory Day.



The Day of The Defender of the Motherland.



Name of the year

Name of programs of the Project

Methods & systems of implementation

Years of the program implementation  



Preparations for Project implementation

The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts



Enlightenment & Pedagogic

“Pedagogic of the future”

The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts



Health, Medicine & Saving of Genetic Material

“Medicine of the future”, “Saving of Genetic Material”, “Training of the Universal Community’s elite”

The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts



Culture, Science  and Mass Media

“Culture, Science and Mass Media of the future”

The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts



Arts & Literature

“Arts of the future”, “Creation of the Spiritual Informational European Parliament”

The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts



Sport, Army & Navy

“Sport of the future”, “Army of the future”

The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts



Eniogenetics &Architecture

“Eniogenetics”, “Architecture of the future”

The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts



Kindness & Love – God’s Mother and Jesus Christ


The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts



Spiritual Renewal – the Holy Spirit


The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts





The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts



Human of the future


Training of the spiritual and informational elite of the Universal Community”

The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts



Cities of the future

“Creation of cities and republics of the future”, “Formation of the Cosmohumanistic Civilization “Golden Age”

The World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System of religion, philosophy, science, and arts


    Belief in God, ourselves and others, purity and spiritual strength, love, kindness, forgiveness, tolerance, labour, the Mankind, and knowledge of the World Uniform Cosmohumanistic System are the grounds for speeding-up of creation of the Cosmohumanistic Civilization “Creator’s New Golden Age” and formation of the New Cosmohumanistic Culture.