
Мы в соцсетях





  • Information is a base of Universe life
  • Spiritual – information essence of life
  • Psycho - informational  fundamentals
  • The new Sub – informational model of  thinking
  • Human’s  bioinformatics
  • Development of super capabilities and super powers
  • Methods  for  increase  energy – informational  human’s  potential                ( exercises nr. 1, nr. 2,  nr. 3 )
  • Psycho – suggestive method’s of communication
  • Method’s to eliminate the consequences of stress and emotions  like self – doubt, sense of fear, etc.
  • Achievement of willpower , scientific
  • Psycho – informational contact training for development personal magnetism ( abilities to attract people ).
  • Development of parapsychological  capabilities such as  telepathy , clairvoyance, prognostication events
  • Technologies of  non- verbal communication with using  sub – information on the quark level
  • Psycho – informational protection from all negative information
  • Practice “Key to the success and happy longevity”

In addition, there is an opportunity for a private consultation with Professor Ignatenko, during it you also will receive individual correction and harmonization for all your organism’s systems.

For whom is this seminar ?

  • For anyone who wants to have a better quality of life
  • For those who struggle with health, success or money
  • For anyone who wants to achieve happiness, success, youth , good health and happy longevity
  • For those who want to master the powers of the mind
  • For those who want to open own capabilities, to realize  potential and to achieve purposes
  • For teachers, doctors, lawyers, coaches, trainers and therapists
  • For business owners, salespeople, managers, etc.

   We are inviting you to attend three courses of training seminars of professor Ignatenko science school: “The Power of Thought Matrix”, “Preparation of a Third Millenium Human Being”, “Each Person is a Potential Genius, Able to Manage His Own Destiny”.

These seminars will offer sub-informational psycho-technologies, after mastering which a person acquires perfect health, eternal youth, as well as happy and productive life.

Seminars are conducted by Dr. Albert Ignatenko ­– Grand Doctor of philosophy, biological, energy-informational and medical sciences, Doctor of Science in international security, Full Professor of the International and European Academy of Informatization (associate member of the UN), Professor at the Psychoinformatiology Department of the International University of Fundamental Studies (Oxford Educational Network), President of the Worldwide Cosmic Humanism League of Nations, Head of the Education Department of the International Committee for Protection of Human Rights, Vice-President of the International Anti-Criminal and Anti-Terroristic Committee for International Relations.

For the very first time in pedagogical, psychological, politological, medical and sport practice Professor A.V. Ignatenko has formulated, tested and implemented a scientific and a brand new INTEGRATED APPROACH TO DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF RESERVE ABILITIES OF A HUMAN BEING.

His concept is based on comprehensive knowledge of a human being as a complex 12-level system of consciousness with a cosmo-planetary Divine nature.

Humans are not using the whole 100% potential (resources) of their organism for implementation of all vital programmes, they merely use 1.5-3%. This causes a slow-down in implementation of all programmes of an individual by the remaining 97-98.5%.

A new model of thinking, which you will receive at the seminar will enable you to simultaneously activate 100% of your potential and speed-up implementation of all vital programmes by 97-98.5% (as distinct from the conventional thinking), and also to receive a huge number of different types of energy, needed for perfect health, eternal youth and successful living. 

Programme of the First Seminar “The Power of Thought Matrix”


1.      Viewing a presentation movie.

2.      Phenomenology, science, education.

3.      Introduction to the “Alphabet of the Evolutionary Life“.

4.      Cosmohumanism – the science of Golden Age.

5.      Ennio -psycho-training – a method allowing to model health and longevity yourself.

6.      Cosmo-ennio-psychology – the science about human beings and the universe.

7.      Cosmology of the Golden Age.

8.      Information – the basis of life in the universe.

9.      Sub-informational model of thinking, which gives a possibility to use 100%   of the organism’s potential.

10.    Meditation “The Power of Thought Matrix”.

11.    The spiritual-informational essence of life.

12.    Classification of the information. Work with different kinds of energies.

13.    Consciousness, energy, substance.

14.    Intensive methods of learning: suggestology, suggestopedy, hypnology.

15.    The new 12-level model of the human consciousness system. Spirituality.

16.    The bioinformatics and bioenergy of a human being.


Programme of the Second Seminar “Preparation of a Human Being of the Third Millennium”

1.      General cosmo-ennio-psychology – a science of the Golden Age.

2.      Evolutionary and involution levels of the human consciousness and their interconnection with the subtle worlds of the Universe.

3.      Informational-energy connection between the informational centres and organs, as well as systems of the biophysical body.

4.      Absolute evolutionary block of the Creator thinking.

5.      Daily schedule of training for psycho-informationology specialists.

6.      Psycho- informational technologies ( PSY-I.T. ) of the Third Millennium.

7.      Characteristic of the four forms of psycho-informational and sub-informational interaction.

8.      Anti-spiritual sub-layers of the Universe. Karma Diagnostics.

9.      Karma transformation methodology.

10.    The personal sub-informational harmonizer of Professor Albert V. Ignatenko. The quick Karma transformation method.

11.    Methods for increasing energy- informational  potential of a human being (exercises No. 1, No. 2,  No. 3. Mantras, prayers, meditations, etc.)

12.    Meditation “Revealing and Development of Capabilities and Super Abilities in Human Beings“.

13.    The sub-informational methods for protection from all negative informational influences.

14.    Psycho-informational methods for elimination of stress, feeling of fear and lack of confidence.

15.    General methods for realization of spiritual meditation (a lecture on spirituality, communication with 5 Great Spirits and the Creator).

16.    Psycho-informational programming for achievement 100% health, eternal youth, happy & successful life.

17.    Psycho-suggestive methods for developing all types of memory and revealing capabilities of the body.

18.    Development of suggestive voice, look and thought. Mastering of hands method for transferring programmes.

19.    Meditation “Elite of the World Community”.

20.    Project “Preparation of Human Beings for The Golden Age”.

21.    Meditation “Spiritual Initiation to the Gold Elite Worldwide Community”.


Programme of the Third Course of Three-Days Training Seminar

“Each Person is a Potential Genius, Able to Manage His Own Destiny”

  1. Plentiful source of spiritual wisdom of my Masters.
  2. Eternal life.
  3. Reincarnation.
  4. Vocal method of activating and revealing abilities using mantras, flowers and prayers.
  5. Bio-physical excercises aimed at development of super-abilities.
  6. Modelling of success and own destiny.
  7. Meditation for development of visualization skills and intuitive clairvoyance.
  8. Biorhythms. Testing.
  9. Factors of negative influence on a human being. Methods of their elimination.
  10. Psycho-informational and sub-informational technologies in use of the global community.
  11. Description of the four forms of psycho-informational and sub-informational interaction.
  12. The direct form of psycho-informational interaction.
  13. The direct form of psycho-suggestive interaction.
  14. The direct form of cosmo-psycho-informational interaction.
  15. The direct form of matrix interaction.
  16.  Removing the obstructions of the human consciousness system.
  17.  The major work plan of a specialist.
  18.  Practical training sessions on contact and non-contact work with patients in different activity fields.
  19.  Meditation “Securing the Matrix of Genius and Good Fortune”.
  20.  The harmony of beauty and eternal youth.
  21.  Initiation to Cosmohumanists.

    During the course of the seminars an individual and group correction, as well as harmonization of all systems of organism of the trainees is implemented along with introduction and securing the Power of Thought Matrix, perfect health, eternal youth, successful and trouble-free life. Twenty meditations and two initiations will be conducted during the training. Pre-booking of Professor A.V. Ignatenko’s personal consultations on rehabilitation and rejuvenation of organism is currently available.