My appeal is made upon the strong confidence that You have the right to become Global, Cultural, Spiritual and Economic Leader of our Civilization.
Today I, as a scientist-cosmist and international public figure with over fifty years of experience, am a representative of two young sciences about Man and the Universe. They have developed the most effective and super powerful models of thinking and non-verbal psycho-informational technologies (PSY - I. T.), allowing a more efficiently and quickly to implement all of the vital individual and state programs.
Based on my practical experience in many countries of the world have I every reason to believe that with Your assistance these versatile technologies will be able to make a worthwhile contribution not only to the revival and prosperity of YOUR COUNTRY, but in the formation of civilization of NEW GOLDEN AGE.
I am sure that in the near future the country under Your leadership will become the guarantor of stability and prosperity throughout the world, and You are a REFORMER of the THIRD MILLENNIUM.
I have the honour to offer You a practical number of priority programmes:
Being the President of world Cosmohumanistic League of Nations, consolidating the cultural, scientific and spiritual potential in 35 countries, forming civil society of the third Millennium civilization New Golden Age, I suggest You to use my accumulated experience to the benefit of YOUR COUNTRY.
With deep respect and best wishes
President of World Cosmohumanistic League of Nations, Professor A. A. Kloss-Ignatenko
для глав правительств, конгрессменов, дипломатов, общественных и политических деятелей, работников управленческого аппарата.
Цель: подготовка кадров для создания высокодуховного и высокоинтеллектуального гармонично развивающегося бесконфликтного общества и государства. Освоение методов развития и использования резервных возможностей человека для выживания в экстремальных условиях.
Наука психоинформациология дают ключи к методикам, расширяющим возможности для:
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